Monday, 26 March 2007

Helpful Resources

I will continue to update this list of usefull sites that have helped me along the way I hope they help you too!

Blogger! Of course Blogger has helped me set up this whole site!

Blog Explosion Is free to join and gets traffic to your site, you can also do mad things like 'battle of the blogs'/

Google Documents and Spreadsheets - If you sign ip for a free goggle mail account you get to use Google's spreadsheets to store information on. You can make many sheets and save them online- quick and easy and free.

Digital Point Forums - This forum is amazing - so many helpful people ready to answer your questions! It is also a revenue sharing forum.

I joined blogcatalog (free directory) hoping to get some more visitors to the site:

Blogging Blogs -  Blog Catalog Blog Directory

Blogcrowds has some great free templates for the new blogger.

1000000 Links You put a link to their site on your blog and they link back to yours. Increasinf you traffic simple! Toplist

If you have a site which you think should be here then contact me and we can do a link exchange,

Good Luck
