Saturday, 24 March 2007

An Introduction To The Challenge

Welcome to this blog. What's it all about then? Well I have decided to invest 31 days of my life into making money online (or attempting to)! Here you will watch me progress day by day, testing out different methods and reporting my earnings. I have set myself one Challenge this is:

My earnings must increase each day.

Sounds easy? I'm not sure it is but i'm going to try and if on any day my earnings drop below the total of the day before the challenge is over!

Why Do this? Well good question, There are lots of making money challenge blogs online, but they are often created just to impress visitors about how much money they can make so they sign up to some get rich quick scam. However this site is a completely honest look into making online - with my actual day to day results so you can see the progress. The other reason is that one day I hope to be able to live anywhere in the world and that I will be able to achieve this by making money online (well you have got to start somewhere)!

So join me on the 31 day challenge, learn from my mistakes and get real information about the sites that make you money online,

Wish me luck!
