Tuesday, 27 March 2007

Media Dollarz

Okay there has been alot of hype about Media Dollarz recently - so I thought I would check it out.

Media Dollarz is similar to many of those other programmes - where you complete surveys or sign up for things and they pay you for each offer. To be honest I am not a fan of sites like this because I always think of them sending you junkmail. But the main thing that drew me to this site was that they have NO minimum payout. That means if you earn $1.00 and you want to withdraw it (with paypal or e-gold) then you can. Which is great because so many of these programmes have a $30+ limit which is hard for people to achieve sometimes.

Anyway after logging onto the site after about 2 minutes I had made more then any other system I have tested so far (find out how much tommorow).

I went to withdrw the cash and they are veryfying my account and will get back to me within 24 hours - so i will let you know what happens.

- WORD OF WARNING - this site has many of those offers where by if you sign up for something (say a $1 trial which you pay) then they will give you $5 cashback e.t.c I would say stay away from the offers like this I wouldn't recommend paying money to get money! Just fill out the online surveys -free quick and easy and you see the payment almost instantly.

Another tip is to always use another email account other then your main one - sign up for one at hotmail.com or some other free site - as you are bound to get mail from these places.

Anyway I haven't been testing it long enough to form a good opinion, but the fact that there is a no minimum payout is incentive enough for anyone to check it out - you don't have anything too lose (just avoid the paid offers)....

Let me know how you get on


Media Dollarz

1 Comment:

BlaZeR said...

I'm using a gmail account for this so if they send junkmail, mehhhhhhh :)